Strategic Sale Shopping

If you are anything like me, your inbox is currently full of countless discount codes and offers from some of your favourtie brands. This isn’t going to stop anytime soon as we enter the New Year.

This is great news for getting presents at a bargain or getting your hand on that item you have had on your wishlist for so long. However, it is so easy get caught up in sales madness and make impulse purchases you have not budgeted for.

Here are a few of my tried and tested tips to be strategic when shopping during sale season:

Wishlist Items

Before sales start, create an account with your favourite retailers and save ALL the items you love in the sizes you want. This will save you time when the sale goes live and increases your chances of securing the goods. It also saves you browsing and getting disctracted.

Compare Retailers

Different retailers will have different discounts and offers. Do a comparison between your favourite retailers and get yourself the best deal. If you have these items saved as recommended above, this process will be much quicker

Rewards Schemes

There is nothing better than getting more money off your already discounted items! Rewards schemes are a great way to build up your points year round and redeem your points against your purchases. My personal favourte scheme is Harrods Rewards. Sign up now and thank me later.


Elevating Basics: Brooches & Buttons


Our picks of the week: Nigerian Edition